It all started earlier this year when Maria and I got hooked on watching "The Biggest Loser." Maria started watching the most current season and then we found older episodes online and went on a watching spree and burned through all 8 prior seasons and even started watching some of the international versions (currently watching Biggest Loser Australia.)

The biggest lesson I have learned from watching the show, and reading books from the people involved in the show, is that with proper diet and exercise, anyone can lose weight and go from obese to fully in shape if they apply themselves. Maybe not as quickly as those on the show who work out as a full-time job, but eventually they can get there.
So for the first time in years, I bought myself a pair of gym shoes. Then, I actually bought workout clothes -- the first time since gym class in high school. Maria and I investigated some gyms, but I decided I would rather have some equipment at home and do things there where I could work out while watching "The Biggest Loser" or other shows. Next, I organized a weekly volleyball night at our church. Then I got some Biggest Loser workout DVDs to exercise to. We also went out and hit some yard sales where we found an elliptical and an exercise bike. For my birthday Maria got me a treadmill. I've also tried to find more active activities to get involved with including playing disc golf semi-regularly.

I started my first run when I was in Utah at the end of April and I just finished the 4th week today, June 14th. That's closer to six weeks, but that's because I struggled with the 2nd week and re-ran it a few extra times until I could do the full run. Also, I've been alternating outside runs with this program and inside training on my treadmill. I don't count the treadmill runs as part of the Couch-to-5K runs. Instead, I use the treadmill to increase my pace while using outside runs to increase my endurance. When I started the treadmill in April, my time for "running" a mile was over 17 minutes. Earlier this week I ran it in under 15 minutes. So I've improved over two minutes, and I intend to continue to improve that time.

It's still too early to post any before or after pictures--I've got a ways to go before that, but I'm trying to recognize and enjoy every milestone I can along the way.
Keep up the good work, we are all proud of you!