Utah Trip - Science Museum

This will probably by my last major post on our trip, though Maria has a few more things to add on her own.

On Tuesday, August 7th, Grandpa took the day off from work and took us downtown again to visit the Utah Children's Science Museum or Discovery Gateway. We were joined by Shauna and her family (except Marc who had to work, unfortunately.)

We played there through most of the late morning and into the early afternoon.

Here's Spencer dressed as a Mailman in their children's town where he could deliver letters to various mailboxes around the room.

Here's Ashely practicing shopping. I'm sure she needs the extra help to get it right in the future.

Here's Colin the construction worker, posing after finishing his latest building project.

Ryan probably spent the most time building on this magnetic ball-run wall.

I spent some time building my black fortress of doom. Sadly, we had to go before I was able to complete my masterpiece.

Here's a random shot of Shauna, Chelby, and Grandma Whitehead. Just to prove to everyone they were there.

It was a pretty fun trip. I ended up buying a souvenir here of some juggling sticks called "Lunastix." For those who know, they are a lot like Devil Sticks, except they are covered in surgical tubing which makes the main juggling stick a lot easier to control with the hand-held sticks. Anyway, I'm still learning so I have no pictures or movies to show off with yet.
