The anatomy of a kitten pile

When creating a pile of kittens, several careful steps must be taken.

Notice in the picture below how the kittens are spread out, and one of them is upside-down. This is not a proper pile of kittens.

#1: First, put the closest black kitten over the upside-down kitten, to give it incentive to flip over.

#2: If the upside-down kitten has not yet flipped over, send the spotted kitten over it as well.

#3: Good. The kittens are all right-side up. Now, send in the black kitten from the corner. Some layering is appropriate at this stage.

#4: Notice how the gray kitten is retaliating by crawling over the kitten that first crawled on it. No long-lasting grudges are held at this age, so it's all good.

#5: The pile is looking pretty good - oh wait! Spotted kitten! What are you doing? You can't go away now!

#6: There. All kittens are appropriately piled and cozy now.

Here is an alternate version - a more spread-out pile for warmer days:

And here's another version for when you're feeling really orderly. Notice that the kittens must be lined up white, black, white, black. It's just visually more appealing.

This isn't a kitten pile - it's dinnertime!


Sharla said…
Cute kitten pile! It's amazing that they love to pile, but they are kittens and that's what makes it so cute.
Nate said…
This post made me laugh so hard; at first it was because the pile of tiny kittens was so cute, but then, I was picturing Gumby (the extreme cat lover that he is) kicking the little pile as it they were little furry footballs...

But seriously, very funny post!!!
CourtneyB said…
Not only has Greg expressed no interest in kicking cats, he's even named one of the kittens! ("Darth," if you're interested.) (;
Gumby said…
Hey, just because I name things doesn't mean I don't kick them. In fact, I often enjoy naming things that I kick.
Bianca said…
LOL Kitty Pile