Oh noes! They be stealin' mah language skilz!

I have various websites I check pretty much every day. One of my current favorites is http://icanhascheezburger.com/, which is a site that has pictures of cats and sometimes other animals, with (usually) funny captions on them. Part of the joke is that the words are usually deliberately misspelled, because let's face it, cats probably don't speak or write perfect English.

Here's the problem - I've started speaking LOLcats. Words such as "Oh noes" and "They be stealin' mah . . ." and "I likes" have started escaping my lips, sometimes without my even realizing it at the time. Mind you, I'm usually a stickler for correct grammar, and for all the years I posted on various forums, I used punctuation and typed out all my words without reverting to the "lazy" style that so many posters used ("UR 2 kewl, lol"). How humbling it is to realize that my standards have relaxed, just because I think something is funny!

My fear is that my kids won't realize the difference between what is correct, and what we're saying just to be funny. Who knows, though? Maybe by the time they're in high school, "Oh noes" will be an acceptable part of the English language! (:
