Day Camp

Our Cub Scouts went to Day Camp in June, and I was able to help out in the Arts and Crafts area (which covered drawing, painting, leather working, woodburning, boat painting, rock collecting, pirate hat making, and so on). I mostly helped with the woodburning and rock collecting, and only had to send a few boys to first aid with burns (sigh).

One of the really cool things that they did was create a sibling den for the kids of parent volunteers who were too young for scouts but a little too old for tot lot. Both Colin and Spencer were able to go and do just about everything the other scouts did, including BB guns and archery. I loved watching their hats fill up with doodles - they were covered by the end of the week! Here are some pictures.

Colin as a fearsome pirate:

Spencer and a weather poster he made:

The sibling den getting the spirit stick:

The boat the arts and crafts team made for the skits:

Spencer and Colin with their raingutter regatta boats:


Chatty Family said…
Ahhh, scouting... I guess I have this to look forward to. Looks like you guys had so much fun!
The Gee Six said…
That looks like so much fun! I can't wait until our boys get to officially go together next year! (Of course, that means WE get to go too! Fun stuff!)
Cindy Killebrew said…
That looks awesome! You guys did a great job!