The definition of insanity

Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

In this case . . . it's really more that I'm NOT doing something, but the results are sure the same. Meet our THIRD batch of kittens this year!

I have GOT to get this cat spayed! So, um . . . anyone want a fuzzy little black or gray kitten, just in time for Christmas? (;


Cindy Killebrew said…
Oh, girl this one made me laugh out loud! Yeah, that cat needs some spaying :) You are so cute!
The Gee Six said…
Oh my gosh, NOOOOO! That is so funny! But, at least they're cute, right?!?
randivon said…
Hey... CJ and I might want one this time around. You should ask him at church on Sunday. :-)