Main Street Arts Festival

On Friday (after it stopped raining) we went out to the Fort Worth Main Street Arts Festival. Greg and I had been there a couple of years ago and enjoyed it, and we thought it would be a fun way to celebrate his birthday as a family.

We thought that the kids would get bored after an hour or two, but we actually stayed there for over three hours, and probably would have stayed longer had the rain not come back. Here are some of our favorites from the festival:

Handcrafted multi-layered puzzles by Steve Malavolta from New Mexico. You can see more of his work here. We bought a small one that had a sun and mountain - it's gorgeous.

Some amazing jewelry of all kinds of creatures - you can see lots more here.

Kinetic sculptures - the kind where marbles go around perpetually. We could have stayed and looked at those alone for hours! The guy who made these did a large-scale one that's at Cook's Children's Hospital. You can see more here.

One of our very favorites was metalwork by Fred Conlon from SLC. His stuff was hilarious! We bought a small scale of the one pictured below, called Gnome-Be-Gone. You can see more here.

Colin and Spencer unanimously voted that their favorite part was the rock-climbing wall. Colin wasn't going to do it at first, but after seeing how much fun Spencer had, he changed his mind. The guy running it was really nice and actually let the kids climb up four times in a row. By the end, Spencer was scrambling up in less than a minute. Here they are:

It was a fun and memorable day!


The Gee Six said…
We went last night for date night and really enjoyed it. We LOVED the metalworks guy - the gnome one was hilarious! I'm glad you guys got to go!
Christian said…
I'm a big fan of Conlon's work. We have an army helmut turtle guarding our porch.