Happily ever after

Okay, so this week (with the much-appreciated help of my niece Rachel) I've tackled my own personal dungeon . . . my office. Every other room in the house is used on a daily basis, so it's fairly natural that extra things get tossed into the office. It's where the majority of books in our house live, along with homeschooling stuff, art supplies, all my scrapbooking stuff, file cabinets, memorabilia, photo albums, Scout stuff, church papers, and many other random things that we didn't have a home for.

In other words . . . it looked like this:

The floor had so much stuff piled on it that you had to sort of hop over them to get anywhere:

and my desk was piled so high that there was no WAY I was going to go in there and create:

Pretty scary, huh? There's a reason I called in for outside help!

Rachel did a couple of posts about the process here (including a really hilarious one about the Evil White Shelf). However, I'm just going to show what the happy ending looks like:

See this? It's an EMPTY FLOOR!!! I'd almost forgotten what it looked like! (;

We moved a shelf across the room and got all the books into one place and in better order.

We used the other shelf for supplies and scout stuff and random things, and Rachel even (gasp) cleaned out the Closet of Never-ending Stuff! I had a lot of cards from a long time ago, and Rachel had the great idea of hanging them where I can see them. More happiness!

We framed and hung up a couple of my favorite records from my childhood. They make me happy. (:

Here is the Beautiful Shiny Desk of Emptiness. Ahhhh . . .

Here is a tired but happy Rachel . . .

AND, for extra bonus points (okay, with a significant amount of parental pressure), the boys cleaned up their floor, too! Hooray!

What was so cool about this particular cleaning job is that we actually went through every. single. box. No kidding. We weeded through scout papers, church papers, school papers, and consolidated them into one (relatively) small area and out of the cardboard boxes they were in. Lots of trash and recycling went out this week!

I also have lots of boxes in my garage of things I'll be giving away. Anyone need some scrapbook/craft/who-kn0ws-what stuff? (:


The Gee Six said…
Wow, as one who has seen the dungeon, er, office, I am sufficiently impressed. I'm not sure I believe it's the same room, though. I think you might have just moved to a new house - after all, that might have been easier. :-) Good job! That is completely awesome!
Chatty Family said…
I LOVE de-junking!! You did an awesome job! How fun to have some help too. Feels so good to be organized!
Cindy Killebrew said…
Awesome! It always feels so good to declutter. I am planning on some of that real soon.
As one who as a room that accumulates many things that is no longer needed, I can see how it can be hard to see my way through the clutter. My sister has a theory, "if you haven't laid hands on it in six weeks, you obviously don't need it!" That works really well for me, when I am helping Kariann or Shannon declutter, but when it comes to my stuff, I have such a hard time getting rid of anything. What's up with that?
Unknown said…
Look, I'm able to leave a comment!
Great Job!! You have a super friend.
clicker59 said…
Your Office sounds like my bedroom half the time.
Kyle and EvaLyn said…
Hi this is EvaLyn Whithead Jennings I found your blog through the Callisters. Hope all is well if you would like you can check out our blog at kyleandevalyn.blogspot.com