My poor neglected blog. Now that I'm on Facebook, it doesn't get much attention! I'm tired of always seeing the same pictures on it, so - time for a catch-up post!
The boys and I went to the Silver Star District Day Camp in June. I was the Sibling Boys Den Leader, which was a lot of fun, and I got to be with Spencer all week, as well as with four other adorable 5- to 7-year-old boys (and Amy, who kept me sane - thanks!). The amount of activities they packed in four days was unbelievable - at the end we were exhausted, but had made so many great memories! Most of the pictures below feature Spencer, since I was with him all day, but we ran across Colin once in a while. These pictures are not in chronological order, but who cares, right? (:
Sibling Den boys at flag ceremony. Notice the awesome flag they made, and the second one Amy came up with.
Using the zoom on my camera - hey, it's Colin and Robbie! (The two of them got to be buddies for camp, and were never far apart.)
Playing Bocce ("lawn bowling")
Spencer looking happy - I assume after a good shot or telling a joke or something
Hey, it's Colin and Robbie again! Nice crowns!
Cute knight guy from Medieval Times
Spencer learning how to do archery
Bulls-eye! Nice!
Marbles. Observe the intense look of concentration.
BB guns
Fun with throwing foam things at opposing team
Sibling den patiently waiting
Why, look who it is! Colin and Robbie again!
Spencer enjoying a ball on a string
Colin with his tunic, necklace, and hat he made.
Spencer mid-skip.
Spencer on the rope bridge
Colin all chalky from playing marbles
Spencer closeup (already collecting doodles on his hat - one of the favorite things about day camp!)
Colin closeup
This may seem like a long post, but whittling down around 950 pictures isn't easy! (;
The boys and I went to the Silver Star District Day Camp in June. I was the Sibling Boys Den Leader, which was a lot of fun, and I got to be with Spencer all week, as well as with four other adorable 5- to 7-year-old boys (and Amy, who kept me sane - thanks!). The amount of activities they packed in four days was unbelievable - at the end we were exhausted, but had made so many great memories! Most of the pictures below feature Spencer, since I was with him all day, but we ran across Colin once in a while. These pictures are not in chronological order, but who cares, right? (:
Sibling Den boys at flag ceremony. Notice the awesome flag they made, and the second one Amy came up with.
Using the zoom on my camera - hey, it's Colin and Robbie! (The two of them got to be buddies for camp, and were never far apart.)
Playing Bocce ("lawn bowling")
Spencer looking happy - I assume after a good shot or telling a joke or something
Hey, it's Colin and Robbie again! Nice crowns!
Cute knight guy from Medieval Times
Spencer learning how to do archery
Bulls-eye! Nice!
Marbles. Observe the intense look of concentration.
BB guns
Fun with throwing foam things at opposing team
Sibling den patiently waiting
Why, look who it is! Colin and Robbie again!
Spencer enjoying a ball on a string
Colin with his tunic, necklace, and hat he made.
Spencer mid-skip.
Spencer on the rope bridge
Colin all chalky from playing marbles
Spencer closeup (already collecting doodles on his hat - one of the favorite things about day camp!)
Colin closeup
This may seem like a long post, but whittling down around 950 pictures isn't easy! (;