10 years of Colin

My (oldest) baby is 10 today! I used to think people were exaggerating when they'd tell me how fast the years go by - but it's true! I can't believe Colin is only three years away from being a teenager! I thought it would be fun to celebrate the last decade with some photos chronicling his changes from year to year.

Colin as a newborn

Colin's first professional picture - at about 10 weeks old.

1 year old, just before moving from Utah to Texas

2 years old - this was the birthday that he refused to let go of his balloon for something like three days, other than when he fell asleep. It made bathing and dressing interesting!

3 years old, dressed up as a fireman

4 years old - the Peter Pan stage where he didn't go anywhere without his Peter Pan hat and dagger! It was HARD to find green clothes that year, too!

5 years old, all ready for his Star Wars party

6 years old, with one of his presents

7 years old

8 years old - and a new Cub Scout!

9 years old, approving of his birthday cheesecake

10 years old - all the brothers together

Birthday muffins (made by Spencer) with the traditional monkey plate and cup

Getting some birthday love from Spencer while wearing the birthday crown

It's been a wonderful 10 years. This kid is a constant source of joy and entertainment. We love you, Colin!


Sharie said…
Happy Birthday and loves from CA!!!! :)