Feeding a baby is a messy, messy business. The first couple of times we fed Jaden (see earlier blog post) weren't too bad, but now he's really enthusiastic about the process and wants to help out!
Here's Jaden sticking his fingers into his mouth between bites. He also really likes to talk with his mouth full (tsk, tsk).
He likes to look up and all around - so sometimes we're aiming for a moving target with the spoon!
On his face and bib - not too bad. Some feedings have required a complete strip-down and bath.
Jaden happy about getting to play with his empty cereal bowl
This little contraption is pretty cool. It's called a Boon Spoon and you can put the cereal right in the handle and squeeze it into the spoon bowl. However, that doesn't stop Jaden from grabbing it with his fingers and making a mess - just not as MUCH of a mess. (: