Grandma's visit and lots more pictures

Jaden is three weeks old today, so it's been two weeks since my last blog post. That means I've taken about 2,000 more pictures. Just kidding - kind of.

When Jaden was a week old, his Grandma Eileen Whitehead got to come visit for a few days. It was wonderful having her here! In addition to helping out a lot with cleaning and cooking, she got to spend lots of quality time holding Jaden and also having fun with the rest of us. She's an elementary school teacher, and always has lots of fun ideas for projects. This time she made tape bodies of the boys - which uses LOTS of rolls of packing tape and lots of time, so be warned if you decide to try it - and the results were hysterical. The boys loved it. It's a little tricky figuring out where to keep two life-sized tape bodies - I'm tempted to hang them from the ceiling like a mobile!

Lots of Grandma love

At church with Grandma and Colin

Jaden modeling the blessing outfit Grandma bought for him, along with the beautiful blanket that she knitted.

A tux and a diaper - why not?

Grandma cutting the tape off Spencer's arm for his tape body

Doing a tape torso

Spencer holding his legs

The boys are beside themselves!

With Grandma

It's been fun having a baby in the house. One of the biggest challenges will probably be keeping him from being too spoiled as he grows up, surrounded as he is by two adoring older brothers as well as parents and other family. He's a lucky kid. Colin frequently holds him and says "He is the cutest thing I've EVER seen in my ENTIRE life!!"

I love this look on Colin's face. He really, really loves Jaden.

Greg and Jaden having a staring contest

Jaden in one of his favorite sleeping spots

In his chair, watching Baby Einstein for the first time (surprisingly, it held his interest most of the time)

Daddy and Jaden looking at his iPhone

In his play gym

Colin trying to entertain Jaden

Tummy time

I love all the different faces he makes!!!

Asleep on the couch. I love those little sleep sacks.

On Greg's tummy, looking up at the fan

Looking up seems to be one of his favorite things to do

Cute pictures taken by Greg. It's handy having a camera on hand at all times!

I love that smile!!!

Contemplating life from his seat on the couch

More sleeping on Daddy

Hanging out on the Boppy

Checking out Daddy's goatee

Watching TV with Greg

Sweet sleeping baby. I love those cheeks!

With a hat made by a friend in Utah

Modeling the hat, bear and blanket his Aunt Sharie made for him

On a blanket made by some girls in our church

Yummy giraffe!

Greg took Colin to a Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament last week as an early birthday present (Colin turns 10 on the 30th). Colin was so excited, and spent all day getting ready for it.

Here's a clay Gumby that Spencer made

A picture by Colin

Picture by Spencer
